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HomeLandlord TipsTop Three Questions to Ask When Hiring a Paralegal for Landlord and...

Top Three Questions to Ask When Hiring a Paralegal for Landlord and Tenant Board Matters

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Navigating Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) matters can be a complex and challenging process, requiring the expertise of a knowledgeable paralegal. However, finding the right professional for the job can be daunting, as not all paralegals are experienced in handling LTB matters. Many may claim to understand the process but lack the necessary firsthand experience to provide effective representation.

In my extensive discussions with paralegals across Ontario, I’ve encountered numerous individuals who excel at presenting themselves as knowledgeable but falter when faced with specific questions about LTB matters. Shockingly, approximately 95% of paralegals I’ve spoken to could only regurgitate basic procedural steps available on standard forms. When pressed with detailed inquiries, they often hesitated or struggled to provide coherent answers, revealing a lack of genuine understanding.

To ensure you’re entrusting your case to a qualified and truthful paralegal, it’s crucial to ask the following questions during the hiring process:

  1. Do you own your home? This seemingly unrelated question serves as a litmus test to assess a paralegal’s ability to handle pressure and their personal experience in property ownership. Surprisingly, only a small percentage of paralegals own their homes, raising doubts about their firsthand understanding of homeownership dynamics.
  2. Are you a landlord? Understanding whether a paralegal has personal experience as a landlord is essential in evaluating their familiarity with landlord-tenant relationships and rental property management. This question often catches paralegals off guard, revealing their level of involvement in the rental business and their practical understanding of LTB matters.
  3. If yes, do you personally own rental properties? How many tenants do you have? Digging deeper into the previous question allows you to assess the authenticity of a paralegal’s claims regarding their landlord experience. By inquiring about the number of rental properties they own and the tenants they manage, you can gauge their level of engagement in the rental business and their firsthand understanding of LTB dynamics.

By asking these questions upfront, you can distinguish between paralegals who merely recite procedural steps and those who possess genuine firsthand experience in LTB matters. It’s crucial to entrust your case to a paralegal who not only understands the legal aspects but also empathizes with your situation as a landlord. Remember, transparency and honesty are paramount when hiring a paralegal, and these questions can help you identify the right professional for your LTB matter.

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